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Large detailed maps of North America

See also our maps of South America

Map of North America with roads and cities

Map North America
Download: JPG (1200 x 971 pixels) | JPG (4061 x 3287 pixels) | PNG
Description: Large map of North America with cities, roads and city sizes.
License: CC BY 4.0
Author: Janwillemvanaalst
Source file: Wikimedia Commons (view)

Detailed map of North America

Detailed map America
Download: JPG (1200 x 898 pixels) | JPG (3000 x 2246 pixels) | JPG (6658 x 4985 pixels) | PNG | PDF
Description: Large detailed map of North America with roads, cities, lakes, rivers and vegetation.
License: Open data (ODbl)
Author: OpenStreetMap and contributors
Source file: OpenStreetMap

Physical map of North America

America physical map
Download: JPG (908 x 1200 pixels) | JPG (2271 x 3000 pixels) | JPG (4247 x 5610 pixels) | PNG | PDF
Description: Physical map of North America with countries, major cities, rivers and relief.
License: Royalty free
Author: US Government, Central Intelligence Agency
Source file: The World Factbook 2020 Central Intelligence Agency.

Map of North America with biomes

North America biomes
Download: JPG (870 x 1200 pixels) | JPG (2175 x 3000 pixels) | JPG (4548 x 6274 pixels) | PNG | PDF
Description: Map of North America with different biomes (tropical, subtropical, temperate, dry, polar, montane, aquatic).
License: CC BY 3.0
Author: Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)
Source file: Columbia University of New York (view)

View more maps of North America

Map of America
Map of North America with countries

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